The proof that this article is little more than trash, is ironically being endorsed by the quality of journal that is now publishing it.
The author’s blind-sided fear of anything that slightly hints of “cult status” is perfectly evident in her latest career move - becoming the vigilante heroine in her own self created saga - of dethroning attempts by cheap defamation - to satisfy her own slowly expanding group of cold, intellectual separatist followers - viewing truth only through the tiny pinhole of their own, rigid expectation.
If this history itself does not raise suspicion as to her own pain inspired motivation - then the lack of thoroughness in her one sided appraisals - should be enough for any reader to take the story with a pinch of salt.
Yet unfortunately the damage is done, the mission achieved in staining a reputation - by the power of suggestion.
A shocking abuse of journalistic responsibility - a token gesture only to the word of free speech - certainly not in the spirit of balanced, truthful reporting.
As far as I can ascertain - the author, carrying her own baggage of transgender anxiety - buried in the denying camouflage of her own career aspirations - stoops as low as possible in her latest dethroning attempt.
I do not believe that the author - Be Scofield - has ever met her abused target - Teal Swan - and collects her secondhand journalistic waste produce - solely from a small minority (meaning tens of people at maximum) - out of several million who have encountered with sincere appreciation, Teal’s assured wisdom and generous gifts of healing.
A mere handful - who it has to be said - have also allowed themselves to be blindsided by their own disappointment, or their own severely challenged expectations - when confronted by Teal’s radical and iconoclastic style and content.
It is not for the faint hearted, nor for those who cling to consensus fears of identity and brainwashing.
However - it is for the sick at heart.
It does address the imbalance caused by the pressures of modern day living - and resonates to a timeless and natural truth.
Judge by their fruits - an expression once used in the question of discrimination - between genuine teacher and charlatan.
Regardless of the fact that Teal’s style and personal history falls deep between the cracks in the way of expectation already paved - the perceptive will understand how there is a firm synchronicity between her early life path and her destined mission of healing - as she possesses methods, freshly constructed for this modern age.
Dispensing with the chimera of mystique - shunning stereotypical expectations for spiritual teachers - embodying a radical and fearless vulnerability - encouraging all to authenticity and healthy skepticism - Teal is as far from a cult leader - as the author of this piece is, from being a worthy journalist - if this present output is any indication.
It is cheap journalism - focused entirely on the standards of lowly gossip, hearsay and biased opinion - cherry-picked to fuel a predetermined agenda - established by ignorant and in-substantiated fear.
The author is advised towards the wisdom of abandoning her own prejudices when seeking truthfulness - and expanding her potential as a multi dimensional being - rather than chasing fame as a tired hack.
Reaping the benefits of studying her subjects first hand, in the fearless embrace of a new breed of liberty - which radiates from a teacher, bespoke for this age.
Equipped to rid human consciousness of the very necessity for such abuses as this article so woefully displays.
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